End of Term Dance Michaelmas 2021

Our End Of Term Dance will be held on Tuesday 30th November (8th Week) at 7:30pm at the Catholic Chaplaincy on St Aldates. We will have live music provided by Ian Muir of the Craigellachie Band!

Tickets are £5 for members and £7 for non-members. These may be purchased at class in advance or on the door on the night. Payment can be made with cash or by bank transfer.

The programme can be viewed here or on the Strathspey server here (this includes videos). Starred (***) dances are more advanced and may not be suitable for our newer dances, but is a great chance to have a quick break! The dances are all ones we have been practicing during class this term. The dances will be called, so don't worry about memorising all the steps!

There will be an interval and we ask that you bring a plate of finger food to share during it. Drinks (water/juice) will be provided, though you may bring you own (no alcohol please!).

If you would like to call any dances, please email ousds.president@gmail.com ASAP.

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