Book us

To book us please email Sophie, our current Ceilidh Organiser


May Morning Dancing on Radcliffe Square 2018

May Morning Dancing on Radcliffe Square 2018

We often run ceilidhs for people for a fee (negotiable). These are fun evenings of Scottish dance for groups who have never tried Scottish dancing or experienced dancers or anywhere in between! Depending on needs we can provide a caller and several helpers for an evening, we are flexible and have a wide range or ceilidh dances in our repertoire. We use recorded music and can provide a CD player or portable speaker and a microhpone suitable for small halls.

Many people love to book us for Burns' Night but Ceilidhs are a great way to celebrate Weddings, Christmas and even Freshers' Week. Any reason is a good reason to have a ceilidh!



We have a group of keen and able dancers, many of whom are experienced in performing demonstrations of Scottish Country Dancing and some Highland Dancing. We can perform demonstrations as part of a ceilidh or separately as a stand-alone performance depending on the availability of our dancers.

The OUSDS entered the RSCDS's virtual festival in 2023 and won a special commendation for choreography. This display can be watched on the RSCDS youtuve channel here.

Members of OUSDS have also competed as part of the International Team at the Newcastle Festival and in February 2023 the team won the award for best demonstration. This was choreographed by our advanced class teacher Samantha Schad.

Here is an example of one of our demonstration pieces, you can find more on our gallery page and on YouTube