What To Wear To Class?

Ghillies - Scottish Dancing shoes

Most people come in normal clothes, although it's helpful if you can move reasonably well in them. Many women wear skirts, and if you have a kilt, we encourage you to wear it occassionally (or always)! If you don't have dancing shoes, we recommend that you bring soft, flexible shoes (flats are a good choice for women) or you can borrow pair of the society's shoes. Once you start learning a bit more technique, you'll want to be able to point your toes!

We also have some kilts and a few sashes for hire from the society. Most beginners start out dancing in Scottish dancing shoes (ghillies) this way. talk to any of the committee members at the next class about this. If after dancing for a while you decide you would like to buy your own shoes (or kilt, for that matter), we recommend the links below.




  • Scotweb There is a 10% reduction by going via "Xmarksthescot" - scroll down to the sections 2Xmarks Partners" and click on Scotweb. They have a variety of less expensive kilts.
  • Westaway & Westaway
  • Highland Store (London)
